Saturday, November 13, 2010

No stress, no stress, no stress

It has been a good weekend so far. It makes up for the awful week that I had. So stressful, but it's all good now! I went to the BYU basketball game. I love basketball, and I am so excited that the season has started. I really hope the team does well this year. Anyways, it was white out so all the students wore white. It looked awesome, and there was a super cool introduction before the game started. Sweeeet.

Earlier today I went to a service project at the pool. Some of the swim team played with kids with disabilities in the pool. It was such a great experience, and all the kids are such sweet hearts. I loved talking with them and just seeing them have a good time. I am so glad I ended up going.

Then I took a 3 hour nap. Felt so good. It was much needed. I think I always make up for all the sleep lost during the week on Saturday. But what else have I to do on a Saturday afternoon? Homework and laundry maybe, but sleep tops both of those.

Everything seems to be going great in my life, and I am thankful for that. I'm praying for a stress-free week next week, but we all know how unlikely those are.

Have a wonderful day my friends!


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